
aaaaaannnnnndddddddd......WE'RE BACK!

Yes, kids, you heard right. After taking a short break to focus on how to better improve the site, vcuStyle is back in full swing! I'm coming at you with a TON of more cool content like interviews, breaking news, music, and street style photos. YEP! Street style (you know you love it)! You see it in ELLE, on the Sartorialist and on Face Hunter, but now you can see it here on vcuStyle, too. I'd like you to know that I'm extremely dedicated to expanding this site and doing whatever it takes to keep you coming back. So, please, e-mail me [vcustyle@gmail.com] or leave a comment to let me know what YOU want to see here. Thanks so much for your support, guys! I can't wait to get back to work.


Lauren said...

Adrian you already know that you're cool and shizz, but you should put more stuff about you and/or vcu since it is called vcustyle. Can't wait for Gaga on Friiiiiiiiiiiiidaaayy.

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd........ We [the readers] are happy to have you back! UPDATE us. pronto.