Sean Avery, the professional NHL player (who played left wing for the New York Rangers when he wassn't being suspended for beating the crap out of someone) who also famously interned at the
Vogue offices under the watchful eye of Anna Wintour is getting his own movie. New Line Cinema has picked up the rights to the film and given it the name
Puckface (clever). The romantic comedy will chronicle Avery's experiences as an intern. Honestly, I'm not so sure this movie is the best idea...for several reasons. First, most women aren't going to have the smallest clue who Sean Avery is. Second, we all know his internship at Vogue involved nothing more than macking on all the "clackers" in the office, then cruising off to Fashion Week to mack some more from his front row seat at the Marc Jacobs and Narcisso Rodriguez shows. Lastly, making a movie of Avery's experience as an "intern" is extremely misleading to all the
Running in Heels watching girls and hockey playing boys everywhere: No girls, interns do NOT sit front row at Fashion Week (they rarely even get to go) and, No young male NHL fanatics, Vogue will NOT hire you as an intern and you will NEVER be taken seriously again by your male friends, even if they do. So, New Line, for the sake of all that is good can we please put Hamish Bowles in Avery's place on the soundstage and call it a day? Thanks.