So, you know how I promised you guys sweet photos and new content from my adventures during New York Fashion Week? Well, it turns out that a very smart, alert, and responsible blogger (ahem, that would be me) left his digital camera in the back of a cab after the rag & bone show!!! It wasn't until 2 days later when I checked myself out of the Ganesvoort Park Avenue Hotel (and onto the couch of a very generous friend) that I realized the camera was even missing. It was one of the few moments in my life that I felt my heart literally drop to the floor. It was just so disappointing to think that a year's worth of memories and experiences were suddenly gone forever. BUT! I've never been one to cry over spilled milk, so I went about the rest of my stay in NYC as normal, hitting up after parties and having a blast on Fashion's Night Out. I just wish I'd been able to share it all with you guys.
Anyway! Now that I'm back home finishing my senior year (and no longer playing the role of a starving, cash strapped fashion intern) I decided it was time to make a new purchase. I debated whether or not to invest in another camera, but not anticipating any buzz worthy events happening in my life in the near future, I decided it could wait for now. So instead, I bought an iPad!!! And I must say: it's pretty rad. After spending the past couple of nights downloading apps instead of sleeping, I came to the realization that I could start blogging on my iPad from now on (which is what I'm doing now). This way, whenever there's something I'd like to blog about I don't have to write it down and get to it later (...because I never do). I can now blog instantly. So expect A LOT more from VCUstyle in the coming days and weeks. À plus!
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